
Activate Your Stem Cells!

Stem Cell Therapy is on the rise! There are hundreds of stem cell therapy clinics all over the world and at least 500 in the USA. The clinics offer interventions for sports injuries as well as immunity issues/diseases.

What are stem cells? They are the body's raw materials with the potential to develop into any kind of cell needed. They have the ability to repair, regenerate, or reproduce new cells which may have the potential to be grown to become new tissue for use in transplant and regenerative medicine. Researchers continue to advance the knowledge on stem cells and their applications in transplant and regenerative medicine.

As we age, our stem cells drop in numbers.

  • A teen has approximately 100 trillion cells in the body of which about 1 billion are circulating adult stem cells.
  • At age 50 this number drops to about 250 million. (75% reduction)
  • At age 60 this number drops to 100 million. (90% reduction)
  • At 80 this number drops to 50 million! wow!

So how can we improve our stem cell numbers? Of course there are the conventional ways (stem-cell injections-can be expensive) but what about using new technology in the form of a patented phototherapy patch designed to elevate a peptide proven to enhance-stem cell activity?

There are no chemicals, drugs in these patches, but  organic crystals  which can  change the wavelength of the light in a process called photobiomodulation) The new ‘wavelength of light’ then signals the body to up the production of a (copper peptide- that has been proven to increase Stem Cell Activity and to reset your Stem Cells to a Younger, Healthier state.


Pesticides and Chlorine Toxicity

Pesticides and chlorine linked to food allergies

Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2012:109;420-425

Widely used pesticides and chlorinated water may be contributing to an increasing incidence of food allergies in the United States, according to a study published in the December issue of the Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

Read more: Pesticides and Chlorine Toxicity

Blood Type and Heart Dis-ease

Blood Type May Influence Heart Disease Risk



Study Highlights:

-- Having blood type A, B, or AB was associated with a higher risk for coronary heart disease when compared to those who had blood type O.

-- Genetics determine blood type, but a healthy lifestyle may help protect those with types A, B or AB.

-- The findings were based on two large studies of adults followed for at least 20 years.

Read more: Blood Type and Heart Dis-ease

Heart Healthy Recommendations

Heart Healthy Recommendations

Did you know that heart disease in women have surpassed heart disease and heart attacks in men? Why? Did you know that so many women are asymptomatic when it comes to feeling a heart attack coming on? What are the reasons women are having these attacks? What are the symptoms women should be looking for? We need to get the word out!

And it is not only women! Look at our young athletes who are succumbing to heart issues. Why?

Read more: Heart Healthy Recommendations


Lactoferrin and Your Immune System

Your immune system works hard to protect you from diseases and infections.  But sometimes that isn't enough. That's why researchers are trying to figure out how to make your immune system work even better, using a substance your body already produces naturally. KING 5’s Jean Enersen reports. Take a look...   Then read about Dr. Naidu and how Lactoferrin supports your system!

Plant Compounds and Heart Health

Plant compounds tied to fewer heart deaths

Thursday, January 19, 2012

By Amy Norton

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older adults who get a moderate amount of certain plant compounds in their diets are less likely to die of heart disease or stroke, a large study finds.

The research, on nearly 100,000 older U.S. adults, found that those getting the most flavonoids in their diets were less likely to die of heart disease or stroke over the next seven years than those who ate the least flavonoids.

The compounds are found in a range of plant foods, including many fruits (like berries, citrus and apples) and vegetables (like kale, spinach and broccoli), nuts, soy, dark chocolate, tea and wine.

Research shows that flavonoids have a number of benefits, including fighting inflammation and acting as antioxidants -- which means they help protect body cells from damage that may lead to chronic diseases and cancer.

In the current study, the researchers divided participants into five groups according to the amount of flavonoids in their diets.

The one-fifth with the highest flavonoid intake were 18 percent less likely to die of heart problems or stroke than the fifth with the lowest intake.

That difference is "modest, but still relevant," said lead researcher Marjorie L. McCullough, of the American Cancer Society in Atlanta.

Given that heart disease and stroke are so common, even a modest risk reduction can make a big difference on the population level, McCullough noted in an interview.

It's not clear that flavonoids, themselves, actually lowered people's cardiovascular risks.

But flavonoid-rich foods are the types of foods we should be eating anyway, McCullough pointed out. "This provides further support for getting more of those foods in your diet," she said.

The findings, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, are based on more than 98,000 men and women who filled out questionnaires on diet, lifestyle and medical history. At the time, they were about 70 years old, on average.

Over the next seven years, 2,771 people died of heart disease or stroke. That included 615 deaths in the fifth with the lowest flavonoid intake at the outset, and 515 deaths in the fifth with the highest intake.

When McCullough's team accounted for other factors -- like smoking, exercise habits and weight -- people getting the most flavonoids had an 18 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular trouble.

Flavonoid-rich foods also contain many other healthful nutrients, McCullough said. So it's hard to know whether the compounds, themselves, deserve the credit for the lower cardiovascular risks.

For example, another recent study linked magnesium-rich foods, which include nuts and dark leafy greens that are also high in flavonoids, to lowered stroke risk. (See Reuters Health story of January 13, 2012.)

The bottom line is that getting more plant foods in your diet may make a difference in your health and longevity, according to McCullough.

And these findings suggest it may not take a huge diet change, she said.

The people with the highest flavonoid intake in the study averaged about 20 servings of fruits and 24 servings of vegetables per week. The lowest-intake group got about 11 servings of fruit and 18 servings of vegetables per week.

Lower risks were also seen among older adults whose flavonoid intake fell in between the highest and lowest groups, however.

"So even adding one serving of flavonoid-rich food a day could be beneficial," McCullough said.

In general, experts recommend getting plenty of fruits and vegetables for the good of your overall health. The "DASH" diet recommended for lowering blood pressure and protecting your heart suggests four to five servings of fruit and the same number of vegetable servings each day.

A half cup of cooked vegetables or a medium-sized piece of fresh fruit would be examples of a serving.

One caveat, McCullough said, is to be careful not to douse your flavonoid-rich foods in sugar, fat or salt. "Try to keep them close to their natural form," she said.

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, online January 4, 2012.

Mold toxins



Toxic mold is a common, oftren invisible health threat that can present itself anywhere. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Conterol, mold can be found in just about any environment, wet or dry, and can grow on any surface.

Read more: Mold toxins

Diverticulitis protocol


Diverticulitis is a condition of inflammation. The walls of the intestines balloon out forming pouches where undigested food particles, small seeds, [e.g. strawberries, raspberries] lodge (Goldberg, 1999; 685-689). These pouches, diverticula, become perforated, infected and inflamed.

Diverticula, due to frequent constipation and eating a low fiber diet, which is typical in the USA, contributes to the development of diverticulitis [“itis” meaning inflammation]. Low fiber diets produce maladaptive changes in the colon resulting in increased pressure that can cause pouches to form at weak points in the wall of the colon (Kamen, 1997; 67). When there is insufficient fiber to add bulk and the inability to soften stool, stools are harder to pass.

Read more: Diverticulitis protocol


The fields of biochemistry and genetics have found that our genes actually depend on many nutrients to do their assigned jobs.

Nutrients can affect the genetic array your parents provided you with by either turning on (expressing, up-regulation) or turning off individual genes.

Each of us has a unique combination of advantaged and disadvantaged genes that can affect our nutritional needs. If we know which genes are disadvantaged, we can consume specific nutrients targeted to help compensate. What may have sounded like science fiction a few years ago is now becoming a reality thanks to recent advances in both genomics and nutritional sciences.

Nutrigenomics is in the mainstream news more and more. Just what is “nutrigenomics?” Dr. Keller: It’s been estimated that over half of the population of the U.S. are taking nutritional supplements, yet I’d predict that the vast majority of people are still uncertain as to what they really need to best supplement their diet in order to help protect their overall health. This uncertainty or “shot-gun” approach leads to over (or under) consumption of vitamins, minerals and active ingredients. For the most part, the very nutrients the body craves never make it in to the shopping cart.

Read more: Nutrigenomics

Dr. Naidu

Dr. Narain Naidu, is a medical microbiologist with more than 25 years of research on bio active substances and their benefits on human health. As an international expert on protective and applications of natural bio active compounds, Dr. Naidu's scientific collaborations extend to Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Early work on Staphylococcal food poisonings and toxic shock syndrome brought International recognition to Dr. Naidu. He received the European Young Scientist Award in 1989 from the European Society for Clinical Microbiology and the Par Excellence Citation for Medical Research in 1992 from the Lund University in Sweden.

Dr. Naidu began his journey with milk lactoferrin research from the mid-1980s in Sweden and published over 50 peer-reviewed scientific articles on this topic. In 1999, he made a major breakthrough in this research area with the invention of 'activated lactoferrin'. Thus, he has originated the Theory of Bio-Replenishment. Proof of his theory, as recently published in Osteoporosis International and Inflammation Research, is the body's own mineral managing molecule that starts reversing osteoporosis and osteopenia in as little as 2 weeks. Dr. Naidu's discovery also brings hope for arthritis sufferers and offers many side benefits to the body's other organs.

Read more: Dr. Naidu

Blood Type and Genetic Code

This is a youtube of Dr. D'Adamo about blood typing and genetic coding and its importance in knowing what genotype you are in order to  stay healthy.

We can't do anything about the genes we inherited from our parents! We can't add new genes and we can't eradicate the old ones! But what we can do is to "turn up the volume on some genes and silence others, vastly improving our capacity for health and happiness".

We can explore what physical challenges we're likely to face, what stresses we are apt to be prone to AND  we have the capacity to respond effectively. How? We don't need lab tests per se, drugs, surgery, or medical intervention to perform this task. We do, however, examine the relationship of our genes and the environment- our genotype as explained in Dr D'Adamo's The Genotype Diet.

Using family history, your blood type, as well as non-invasive, eye opening testing in the privacy of your own home and answering simple questions, you can determine your genotype! Simple tasks such as measuring leg and torso length, leg opening width, body type, wrist circumference test, waist-to-hip-ratio, head shape, looking at finger analysis (index-and ring-finger lengths),and dental characteristics will give enough information for you to determine which of his six Geno Type plans you could look at. This information will reveal previously hidden genetic strengths and weaknesses and provide a precise dietary and lifestyle plan for you to consider.

Read more: Blood Type and Genetic Code

Computerized Ray Tube Technology

The human species is now heavily infested with parasites, particularly the intestinal fluke Fasciolopsis Buskii, the sheep liver fluke Fasciola Hepatica, the pancreatic fluke of cattle Eurytreme Pancreatica,  the human liver fluke Clonorchis Sinesis, and the common roundworm, Ascaria.  Why? It is due to the establishment of a new "biological reservoir" in cattle, fowl  and household pets (especially the Ascaris).  But, ingestion of meat, poultry, and even some fish or owning an animal is not the only threat to human beings. Microcontamination of our food supply with derivatives of petroleum, including solvents, antiseptics, benzene, methanol, xylene and even toluene which now occur as residues in our food, toothpaste, mouthwash, lotions and cosmetics are considered the culprits causing production and infestation of parasites in many of our organs.

Read more: Computerized Ray Tube Technology

Water Analysis

In this test, a specially concocted “brew” containing over -limit quantities of every commonly detected dangerous chemical was passed through a Jupiter Ionizer. The results show that contaminants were reduced in most cases to levels undetectable by the performing labs.

Read more: Water Analysis

Blood Type and Cancer


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The correlation between blood type and cancer is an issue that impacts many primary care physicians, especially naturopaths. The success of the recent bestseller "Eat Right 4 Your Type" has created a large population of patients who are concerned about the impact of their blood type on their health. By gaining knowledge on this subject the physician will be more prepared to field questions and allay fears.

Read more: Blood Type and Cancer

What is the Best Water for You?


Water makes up more than 70% of the body's tissues and plays a role in nearly every body function from regulating temperature and cushioning joints to bringing oxygen to the cells and removing waste from the body. Severe dehydration can affect blood pressure, circulation, digestion and kidney function. But on a daily basis, not getting enough water can cause fatigue, dry skin, headaches and constipation. Hydration should be the primary focus of health. Proper water utilization is necessary for the accurate processing of 80% of the messages communicated between the brain and the body. Even a slight imbalance may cause confused electrical messages to misdirect the muscles of the body. Hydration is also responsible for proper functioning of 90% of the muscles in the body. To attain and maintain optimal health, the body must assimilate the water-so it needs to be bio-available.

Read more: What is the Best Water for You?

pH-Why it Matters!

Water is the most abundant compound in the human body, comprising 70% of the body. The body has an acid-alkaline (or acid-base) ratio called the pH which is a balance between positively charges ions (acid-forming) and negatively charged ions (alkaline-forming.) The body continually strives to balance pH. When this balance is compromised many problems can occur.

Your body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients properly only when its pH is balanced. It is therefore possible for you to be taking healthy nutrients and yet be unable to absorb or use them. If you are not getting the results you expected from your nutritional or herbal program, look for an acid alkaline imbalance. Even the right herbal program may not work if your body's pH is out of balance.

Read more: pH-Why it Matters!

Learn What Cardiovascular Tests are Available and Why One Particular Test is Recommended

Learn what cardiovascular tests are available and why one particular test is recommended

All of our lives we are told to eat right, exercise, reduce stress, manage our weight, etc. But even if we did follow this plan, does it guarantee a long healthy life? Our circulatory system is, of course, one of the most important systems which are made up of the heart, lymph and blood vessels. Heredity, aging, and lifestyle govern how well this system works. It is important to keep track of how we feel as we age by getting regular cardiovascular check-ups, blood work, etc. Listed below are some of the cardiovascular tests that are available to do just that. Take a look!

Read more: Learn What Cardiovascular Tests are Available and Why One Particular Test is Recommended

Silent Vascular Disease Accompanies Cognitive Decline in Healthy Aging


(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) - Older people who are leading active, healthy lifestyles often have silent vascular disease that can be seen on brain scans that affect their ability to think, according to a new study led by UC Davis researchers and published online today in the Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA Archives journals (see also Dementia).

"This study shows that silent vascular disease is really common as we get older and it influences our thinking abilities," said Charles DeCarli, professor of neurology in the School of Medicine at UC Davis and director of the UC Davis Alzheimer's Disease Center. "We're beginning to realize that vascular disease plays a major role in Alzheimer's disease - they go together."

Read more: Silent Vascular Disease Accompanies Cognitive Decline in Healthy Aging


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face mask
Wear a mask.
Save lives!
Wash your hands
Keep a safe distance

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